Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Importance of Great Pictures When Selling Your Home

How important are great online pictures?  I see crazy pictures online all time.  Take 2 minutes to think about 96% of all buyers find their home online.  I know the Bloomington Normal Real Estate market is a lot smaller than most but even in Bloomington people are finding the home they buy online.

 What buyers see on the internet determines what they look at in person.  Professional photography gives home sellers that edge they need for their marketing. 

  On left is an example of laziness. Take 5 minutes and pick the room up.

 Use a wide angle lens for showing the room not pictures of funiture

The one on the right is one of my listings. My photographer, Say Anything Photography, even takes the time to remove things on the counters.

The wide angle gives a perspective of the size of the room.

Which house would you want to look at? They are the same price.

To hear more about the Bloomington IL Real Estate Market tune in on Saturday Mornings at 8:00 to On The House with John Armstrong on Cities 92.9

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